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// 01. Customers

Satisfied customers

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// 02. Services

High-impact digital services to take your business to the next level

Our Services
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Social Media Marketing

Together we will enable you to get in touch with any target group you want through social media.

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Paid Advertising

Advertise your brand on the biggest platforms.

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Advanced Analytics

Our firm offers an effective working strategy for all type of tasks, especially tracking.

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SEO Optimization

Be at the top of Google page search by its powerful and incredible Search Engine Optimization technique.

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Funnel Optimization

No matter where you are in building your brand, how big or small it is, we will adapt the traffic you receive to your exact needs.

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Content Marketing

Content is key and we will make sure to help you with what's needed to get the most out of the marketing strategy we set up.

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// 03. About Us

Digitavia strives to be the best alternative for our customers by always being both credible and reliable while delivering a top result. We offer various services in marketing to maximize traffic and sales for you and your company.

In order to get the most out of the traffic that visits the website, it may sometimes be necessary to make updates to the website or even make a completely new website. If that's the case, we'll help you with that too, and we have broad knowledge of platforms like Shopify, Squarespace and Wordpress.

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Google Adwords Payment Detail

One of the biggest platforms to sell physical products and a must to be published and seen.

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Text Ad Performance

We thorughly test each text published using A/B testing and verifiy that words used are tailored to your target audience.

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// 04. Proccess

A simple, yet powerful and efficient digital process

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Creative Idea

We make a path to customers for our clients by conveying creative ideas through marketing platforms that we are experts in.

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Making Projects

The Digitavia team will help you from start to finish to complete an existing project or start a new one from the creative idea.

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Growth & Scale

When we have created a successful path, we want to try to exploit it and it can be on an already existing market or in new ones. Whatever we decide, growth and scalability are something we are happy to discuss and help you with.

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// 05. Benifits

Benefits of working with Digitavia

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SEO Optimization

We also have broad knowledge in on-site optimization for SEO and are happy to help you with that.

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Affiliate Marketing

There are a variety of ways to market yourself, and one of them is Affiliate Marketing, which we have worked a lot with.

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Reactivating customers is very important to get the most out of the acquisition cost. A very good solution to that is to communicate through newsletters.

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